Dear Parents and Guardians: A big thank you to our Cross Country Coach Mrs. Kam Kane and Erin Marshall and our Varsity and JV Volleyball Coach, Abby Carey, Emma Walsh and Kaelagh Haley. I am so proud of the students' accomplishments in both sports. They did very well and your coaching techniques will be with them for a lifetime. Thank you for giving so much of your time to our students.
I am so proud of our Cross Country runners. Their times have been outstanding and they have improved so much. The EAA Championship results will be mentioned in our weekly information letter.
The JV Volleyball team played in the playoffs on Wednesday evening. The Varsity Volleyball team beat IACS (who had a record of 13-0) in the regular season on Monday night. Playoffs for Varsity Volleyball will be held on Friday evening, Nov. 1 at Reilly School at 6:45. Varsity volleyball players should be at Reilly School 30 minutes earlier in case their game starts early. An update of the games results will be mentioned in our weekly information letter.
COATS, HATS AND MITTENS---Please have your child begin to wear coats, hats and mittens. We do go out for recess if the weather is not too bad. The children enjoy the fresh air and we try to bring them out for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes after lunch.
Registration for pre-k 3-year old, pre-k 4-year old and kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year will betaking place during december. There is a form enclosed if you would like us to save a space for your child in next year's class. We will be opening registration for new families starting in january 2025. Please reserve your seat now on the enclosed form.
O'Connor studio pictures were delivered last week. Retakes and absentee pictures will be taken on Friday, November 15. If you want a retake, you must return your child's picture. Students getting pictures taken may dress up. If you have a problem with your child's picture order, please contact O'Connor Studio at 978-640-6250.
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH RAFFLE; All families will be sent 6 Raffle tickets if they wish to participate in the Parish Cash Raffle. Proceeds go to the Immaculate Conception Parish who in turn helps the school. The letter you will receive says there are 12 tickets but our families will only receive 6. Tickets are $10 each or 6 for $50. These are great for stocking stuffers. If you need more tickets, please feel free to notify the school office. If you don't want to sell the raffle tickets, please return them so we can give them to others who want more tickets. We will collect the tickets and cash until Friday, Dec. 20. After that date, you will have to return them to the rectory. The Cash Raffle will start om January 1 and go for the whole month of January 2025.
Tues., Nov. 5 - NO BUSSING-Lowell Public is closed this day due to voting but ICS DOES HAVE SCHOOL THIS DAY!
Wed., Nov. 13 - Banking Day Fri., Nov. 15 - PICTURE RETAKES FOR THOSE WHO WERE ABSENT OR WANT A NEW PICTURE TAKEN-- please RETURN the picture you do not want. Those students who are having their picture taken may dress up.
Fri., Nov. 15 - GRADES CLOSE
Fri., Nov. 22 - REPORT CARDS ISSUED Grades 1-8
Wed., Nov. 27 - Banking, Half Day-Dismissal at 11:30. Mass of Thanksgiving at 10:30. All are invited. No PM Bussing. Kids Club open 11:30-5p.m. Bring a lunch if attending Kids Club
Thurs., Nov. 28 & Fri, Nov. 29 HAPPY THANKSGIVING-NO SCHOOL
Wed., Dec. 4 - ADVENT PRAYER SERVICE-7:50 in cafe Grade 1, Scholastic Book Fair Starts, HALF DAY DISMISSAL at 11:30 a.m. Kids Club Available 11:30 -5 p.m. Bring Lunch. No P.M. Bussing
Sun., Dec. 8 - Christmas Fair-information is enclosed 8:00-1:00 p.m.
Mon., Dec. 9 - HAPPY FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. Mass at 9:00 a.m. Ice Cream Treat
Wed., Dec. 11 - ADVENT PRAYER SERVICE -7:50 in cafe Grade 2, Banking day
Thurs., Dec. 12 - Christmas Concert for Grades PK (8:30)-at their school K-5 (12:15)-at ICS Cafe. **Students may wear Christmas Colored Clothing
Fri., Dec. 13 - Book Fair Ends
Tues., Dec. 17 - Grades 5-8 Christmas Carol Play at Lowell Memorial Aud.
Wed., Dec. 18 - ADVENT PRAYER SERVICE-7:50 in cafe Grade 4 Drama Production 6 p.m. All are invited!
Thurs., Dec. 19 - 12:30 Drama Production for students Mrs. Chretien Dance Recital -5: 15 p.m. in cafe
Fri., Dec. 20 - Free Dress Down in Red and Green Dav. MASS at 10:30. Christmas Break begins at 11:30 a.m. Kids Club Availablefrom 11:30-5 p.m.If vour child is going to Kids Club, pleasemake sure thev bring a lunch. NO P.M. BUSSING Mon., Dec 23-Wed. Jan. 1 - Christmas Break